Amazing elephant facts for kids to day

Children never stop learning everythings they saw and animals is the one of knowlege they want to know. If they ask you somethings about elephant facts what do you say? Don't worry about it,this post will bring some factoflife for elephant for you.
Elephants are the biggestst land mammal on Earth with a long trunk, a biggest ear, tusks, and pillar-like legs. In contrast to their sleek, elephants are adorable and clumsy mammals. Let’s discover these cute animals through our collection of elephant facts for kids with information about two main species of elephants, African elephant facts and Asian elephants.

Elephant facts for kids

It is interesting that elephants are the only mammal on Earth that cannot jump. This is an interesting information about elephants for kids.
Each elephant has completely unique ears. African elephant’s ears are about three times biggestr than those of Asian elephants.
African and Asian elephants use their ears as an air conditioner. It’s interesting that African elephants tend lớn use their long ears for signaling others or protection.
In spite of their biggest ears, elephants have a poor hearing.
Another elephant fun facts to know: The average adult elephants may poop 80 pounds per day. This mammal can drink up to 80 gallons of water in just a single day.

Elephants family - Elephant facts for kids
The very first bomb dropped on Berlin by the Allies, killed the only elephant in Berlin Zoo during the World War II.
The smell of water is so familiar lớn elephants that they can recognize it from three miles away.
Elephants have a pulse rate of 27. That is one of elephant fun facts for kids.
If an elephant dies, its family members will take a very good care of the bones. This shows that elephants also have emotion like humans. That is one of interesting information about elephants for kids.
Elephants can live for as long as 70 years.
Elephants spend about 16 hours eating in a single day.
Elephants just sleep about 5 hours a night. They sleep while standing. Another elephant factsthat you should know!
Elephant’s long trunk has no bones. Over 150,000 muscles and nerves provide the trunk’s flexibility.
Elephants have a really tough skin, it’s about một inch thick. This is unbelievable!
An elephant has enough control over their power lớn grasp and lift a raw egg with the trunk without breaking the shell.
Elephants listen with their feet and their ears. When an elephant speaks, it creates a low-pitched rumbling sound that is almost inaudible but sends vibrations through the earth.
Elephants will fill their trunk with up to about 5 quarts of water then empty it into their mouth to drink.
An elephant’s trunk also serves as a straw or a hose.
If you want to read more fact of elephant you can visit my blog herbivores, omnivores, news,....

Omnivorous facts: species, diet

Omnivorous facts: species, diet

An omnivore survives by consuming both animals and plants as their primary source of food. A primary example of an omnivore is a human because we generally eat both plants and animals as a primary diet. Many are surprised when they discover that certain animals are omnivores. There are several interesting facts about survival, diet and the omnivore species that are important to know to fully understand them.
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Omnivorous Species

How a species has adapted to its main food source is one of the characteristics that makes it an omnivore. The majority of bears are classified omnivorous, but not all. For example, polar bears are carnivores because their environment allows for mostly animal food sources, while panda bears are herbivores because their environment allows largely for plant food sources.

Common omnivore examples that are mammals include pigs, bears, hedgehogs, skunks, squirrels, chipmunks, rats, badgers, coatis, opossums, sloths, raccoons and mice. Common examples of omnivorous primates include chimpanzees and humans. Common examples of omnivorous birds include chickens, corvids, rallidae, cassowarys, crows, keas and rheas. Other species that can be omnivorous include certain lizards, invertebrates, turtles and fish, such as piranhas.
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Omnivore Diet

The teeth of the omnivore are made to eat both plants and animal meats. The back teeth work to chew meats and grind down fruits and vegetables. The front teeth work to tear apart and rip into meat and bite into fruits and vegetables.

The diet depends on the specific omnivore and its environment. Humans obviously have access to the most types of meats and plants. We can eat a large variety of fish, red meats, poultry, fruits and vegetables. A bear on the other hand typically lives in the woods and he obviously cannot just stop by the grocery store. So he has to rely on what is available in his environment, which generally consists of fish, sea birds, small rodents, berries, nuts, fungi, insects, seals, fruits, roots, grasses and dead animals. An omnivorous bird tends to feed on acorns, fruits, insects, nuts, seeds, mice and frogs.

Check out my list of fun, weird and just plain amazing fact of life I have found.

What is a carnivore - Carnivores definition

What is a carnivore - Carnivores definition

What is a carnivore - Carnivores definition: Keep reading on the below information to know

The word "carnivore" can refer to one of two things: a predatory animal or mammals that are classified as members of the order Carnivora. Most members of Carnivora are flesh-eating, so listing these animals as examples would cover both definitions.

There are random facts that members of Carnivora include some very familiar domestic animals as both cats and dogs belong to this group. Their relatives are also included, so wolves, foxes, coyotes, lions, tigers, and panthers are all possible examples.

Other members include hyenas, weasels, seals, bears, raccoons and the mongoose. The members of this order are characterized by their enlarged fangs or canines, specialized sharp molars and three incisors in both the top and bottom jaw. Almost all members of Carnivora eat flesh. One example of a member that does not eat flesh is the panda; however, it did have flesh-eating ancestors before it adapted to eating bamboo. Wanna check some of the most funny pictures with captions right now?

Some carnivores that are not members of Carnivora include Tasmanian devils (they are mammals like the others, but as marsupials they are only distantly related to Carnivora), monitor lizards, hawks, eagles and sharks. Carnivores as flesh-eating animals are also called predators, and in ecology they are called consumers. Most carnivores of the general type have sharp teeth and claws for grasping prey and causing fatal injury.

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Random facts about dogs that any dog lover should remember

Random facts about dogs that any dog lover should remember
Let's along with us find out some random facts about dogs that any dog lover should remember

1. A dog’s life is very short when compared to a human’s lifespan. While humans can live for more than 100 years, dogs may only live for 10-20 years. Make the time count.

2. Dogs can act aggressively out of fear. Early socialization with people and other animals is key to building confidence, trust and love.

3. Children who grow up with dogs are not only healthier but they are also more well-adjusted human beings. Studies have shown that kids who live with dogs have stronger immune systems, fewer allergies and possibly even healthier microbiomes. Other research has revealed that kids raised with dogs feel more caring, happy, responsible and intelligent. And dogs love their little humans just as much as they love their big humans.

4. Dog kisses may also improve your health! A new study aims to show that microbes exchanged between dogs and people may have a positive probiotic effect on the human body that affects our overall health.

5. Dogs love to have jobs. Keeping your dogs active and fit will not only maintain their physical health, it will keep them mentally happy too. “A tired dog is a happy dog.”

6. Dogs just want to make their humans happy. Teaching dogs new tricks, challenges and behaviors strengthens the bond with your dog. Studies have shown that dogs bond with their humans in a similar way that babies do with their parents and naturally want to please them.

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7. Dogs reduce stress. Dogs have been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease because they motivate people to get outside and take walks. Also the emotional bond owners feel towards their pets reduces their reaction to stress and lowers their heart rate.

8. Dogs look to their humans for help. Dogs derive comfort, security and motivation from their humans.

9. Dogs appreciate everything you do for them. No gesture is too small or too short – dogs are just happy to be loved and cared for and every minute you spend with them just makes them love you more.

10. Dogs are sensitive to the environment. They cannot be left outside when it is too hot or too cold. Leaving a dog outside without shelter in extreme weather could result in sickness or death. Similarly, leaving dogs in vehicles during the summer heat could kill them.

The above facts are all so amazing. But it would be not enough if lacking of funny images for them, so keep following our site to get more description pics.

All information about Mammals

All information about Mammals
If you are a person who love to know animal facts and want to know more, you are at the right place. Here are all information about Mammals

What makes an animal a mammal? 

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Mammals

Mammals are a particular class of animal. What makes an animal a mammal are several things. First, they must have glands that give milk. This is to feed their babies. Second, they are warm-blooded. Third, all mammals have fur or hair. Humans are mammals and so are dogs, whales, elephants, and horses. Most mammals have teeth with the exception of the ant eater which doesn't have any teeth. 

Where do they live? 

Mammals live in all sorts of environments including the ocean, underground, and on land. Some mammals, bats for example, can even fly. 

Largest and Smallest Mammals 

The largest mammal is the Blue Whale which lives in the ocean and can grow to over 80 feet long. The largest land mammal is the elephant followed by the rhino and the hippo (which does spend a lot of time in the water). The smallest mammal is the Kitty's hog-nosed bat. This bat is 1.2 inches long and weighs less than 1/2 a pound. It is also called the bumblebee bat. 

Mammals Are Smart 

Mammals have unique brains and are often very intelligent. Humans are the most intelligent. Other intelligent mammals include the dolphin, the elephant, the chimpanzee, and the pig. That's right, pigs are thought to be one of the smartest animals! 

What do they eat? 

Mammals that eat meat are called carnivores. Carnivores include lions, tigers, seals, and the largest carnivore mammal which is the polar bear. Mammals that eat only plants are called herbivores. Some herbivores are cows, elephants, and giraffes. Mammals that eat both meat and plants are called omnivores. Humans are omnivores. 

Fun facts About Mammals 
  • A giraffe's tongue is 20 inches long. They use it to clean their own ears. 
  • A hard working mole can dig a hole up to 300 feet deep over night. 
  • A whale's heart beats very slowly. As slow as once every 6 seconds. 
  • Beavers can hold their breath for up to 15 minutes. 
  • There are over 4,200 species of mammals. 
  • Even though it has a hump, a camel's spine is straight. 
  • Cheetahs can run as fast as 70 miles per hour.
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Asian Lion and interesting information

A collection of interesting information about Asian lions, about their characteristics, behavior, habitat, and diet.

The Asian Lion (Panthera leo persica) is a subspecies of the lion which survives today only in India and therefore it is also known as the Indian lion. Asian Lions once ranged from the Mediterranean to India, covering most of Southwest Asia where it was also known as the Persian Lion.

Asian lion population

The current wild population of Asian Lion consists of about 350 individuals restricted to the Gir Forest in the state of Gujarat, India, and is under the private protection of the ruler of the small state. The Asian lion habitats include tropical dry forests, tropical grasslands, deserts and semi-deserts.

Asian Lion Characteristics

Compared to their African cousins, Asian lions have shaggier coats, with a longer tassel on the end of the tail and longer tufts of hair on the elbows. The most noticeable physical characteristic found in all Asian lions, but rarely in African lions, is a longitudinal fold of skin running along their belly.

The mane of the Asian lion is generally shorter than that of the African lion, so the ears are always visible. Asian lions are, in general, slightly smaller than African lions.

Like all cats Asian lions are equipped with powerful retractable claws and long sharp canine teeth that are used in dragging their prey to the ground.

Asian Lion Behaviour
Like their African cousins, Asian lions are highly sociable animals living in social units called prides. The Asian lion pride is smaller. Studies have shown that most Gir prides contain just two adult females as compared to the average African pride which contains 4 to 6 adult females.

Like African lions, hunting is a cooperative affair but adult males rarely participate. If vegetation is sparse, hunting usually takes place at night, but where it is thick, it may also take place during the day. The lions use stealth to approach their prey and then charge and either grab or knock it down before it outruns them. Only one in about four charges ends successfully. 

Asian Lion Diet

Like all wild cats, the Asian lion is a carnivore. The typical diet of the Asian lion is deer, antelope, wild boar and buffalo.

Some Info About Mammals

Some Info About Mammals
What makes an animal a mammal?
Mammals are a particular class of animal. What makes an animal a mammal are several things. First, they must have glands that give milk. This is to feed their babies. Second, they are warm-blooded. Third, all mammals have fur or hair. Humans are mammals and so are dogs, whales, elephants, and horses. Most mammals have teeth with the exception of the ant eater which doesn't have any teeth.

Where do they live? 
Mammals live in all sorts of environments including the ocean, underground, and on land. Some mammals, bats for example, can even fly. 
Three Types of Mammals 
Mammals are sometimes divided into three types based on how they give birth and take care of their young. 
  • Live young - Most mammals give birth to live young (instead of laying eggs like birds or reptiles). These mammals are called placental mammals. 
  • Marsupials - Marsupials are special types of mammals that carry their young in a pouch. Some marsupials include the kangaroo, the koala, and the opossum. 
  • Egg laying - A few mammals lay eggs, they are called monotremes. Monotremes include the platypus and the long-nosed spiny anteater. 

Largest and Smallest Mammals 
The largest mammal is the Blue Whale which lives in the ocean and can grow to over 80 feet long. The largest land mammal is the elephant followed by the rhino and the hippo (which does spend a lot of time in the water). The smallest mammal is the Kitty's hog-nosed bat. This bat is 1.2 inches long and weighs less than 1/2 a pound. It is also called the bumblebee bat. 

Mammals Are Smart
Mammals have unique brains and are often very intelligent. Humans are the most intelligent. Other intelligent mammals include the dolphin, the elephant, the chimpanzee, and the pig. That's right, pigs are thought to be one of the smartest animals! 

What do they eat? 
Mammals that eat meat are called carnivores. Carnivores include lions, tigers, seals, and the largest carnivore mammal which is the polar bear. Mammals that eat only plants are called herbivores. Some herbivores are cows, elephants, and giraffes. Mammals that eat both meat and plants are called omnivores. Humans are omnivores. 

Fun Facts About Mammals 
  • A giraffe's tongue is 20 inches long. They use it to clean their own ears. 
  • A hard working mole can dig a hole up to 300 feet deep over night. 
  • A whale's heart beats very slowly. As slow as once every 6 seconds. 
  • Beavers can hold their breath for up to 15 minutes. 
  • There are over 4,200 species of mammals. 
  • Even though it has a hump, a camel's spine is straight. 
  • Cheetahs can run as fast as 70 miles per hour.
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